February 2, 2025
"She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy. She has no fear of winter for her house-hold, for everyone has warm clothes. She makes her own bedspreads. She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns. Her husband is well known at the city gates.... She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness... Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise."
- Proverbs 31:20-31 (NLT)
Most dread cold winters February can bring. However, winter was dreaded far more in ancient societies without modern conveniences or automatic heating. Family survival often depended on preparations previously made including warm clothes made for young and old in the family. Food was stocked and fuel gathered. Life and death depended on these preparations made by women. Yet Proverbs says the woman who loves God has no reason to fear winter for herself or her household because a Godly woman is prepared for all contingencies and possibilities. Proverbs begins with a command to revere the Lord (1:7) and ends with a woman who does so. Her virtues are heroic including hard work, reverence of God, respect for others, foresight, encouragement, compassion, generosity, concern for the poor, and wisdom.
These heroic qualities lead to joy, success, honor, and self-worth. Proverbs is practical because it shows how to be wise, productive, and live God's way. It has much to say about women. How fitting it closes with pictures of a strong woman of impeccable character, great wisdom, and compassion. Some have the mistaken idea the ideal woman in the Bible is retiring, servile, and subservient. Not so! This woman is not only a great wife and mother but a manufacturer, importer, manager, realtor, farmer, seamstress, upholsterer, and merchant. Yet her strength and dignity don't come from her amazing achievements. They result from her reverence for God. She remains an inspiration to be ALL you can be. We can all learn much from her integrity and resourcefulness.
May I learn from this amazing person.
Meditation For The Day:
Cold weakens. Prayer strengthens.
Brief Devotions For Busy Lives: Daily Winter Renewal
by Rev. Dr. Mary Johnson | Nov 25, 2017
Used with permission of the family of the late Rev. Dr. Mary B. Johnson.

Rev. Dr. Mary Johnson, D.Min., (1942-2018)
Mary was Ordained in 1975.
She served both as a Parish Pastor and in multiple Specialized Ministry Settings.
She worked on the Clinical Staff of New England Memorial Hospital and Middleton Pastoral
Counseling Center in Massachusetts and was a Director of Green Pastures Counseling Centers in N.H.
She was a state Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor,
Nationally Board-Certified Counselor (N.C.C.), and Nationally Certified Pastoral Counselor (AAPC)
and held certification as a Clinical Member of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (A.C.P.E.).
She received a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Psychology and Clinical Studies
from Andover Newton in Newton, MA.
Dr. Johnson also founded Good News Specialized Ministries, Inc.
This unique ministry provided education and Clinical Christian Counseling to thousands of people over the decades and trained numerous Clinical Counselors and Counseling Ministers while offering weekly non-denominational worship services to the community for more than 20 years.
I had the honor and privilege of working with Pastor Arnie Johnson
when I served as the pastor for the Richmond Community United Methodist Church in Richmond, NH from 2019 - 2022.
I personally have been deeply touched by Mary's writings. Her family has graciously allowed me to share them with you. - Pastor Sharon Sargent
"I always considered my ministry at Richmond as a shared ministry. Mary had the expertise that helped me function as well as I did. I received critiques on the way home after the services. I finally realized that I may have “arrived” when one day she was pleased with my performance with no critique! That took several years! So, I would love it if you would use the picture of the two of us and mention Rev. Dr. Mary Johnson as my spouse and partner in ministry, and she continued to be until the day she died, four days before the end of my appointment at Richmond." - Pastor Arnie Johnson
Rev. Dr. Mary Johnson is the author of eight other published books including:
"Activating The Power Of Pastoral Care: A Team Approach";
"Brief Devotions For Busy Lives: Daily Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter Renewal"(Vol.1-4);
"Flying Free: Transforming Grief and Loss into Renewal";
Following The Angel Trail: In The Steps Of Jesus";
"Love In Action: The Healing Heritage Of The Counseling Ministry Of The Church";
"Visions Of Hope: Voices Of Americana";
"Healing Streams: Journeys Of Healing".
She has also been published in the AAPC professional Journal "Journeys" and in the Keene Sentinel.