
Today's Prayer

JULY 26, 2024


"the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight”

- Mark 1:3 NRSVUE

Lord Jesus,

Just as John the Baptist cried out int the wilderness a message of repentance,

May we too call out for repentance in a nation broken and divided.

All around us are evil strongholds trying to snuff out the light of your truth and your love.

Give us strength to resist them. Give us perseverance during these difficult days.

Build a strong wall of protection around us that the evil one may not breach.

May we be faithful to your commandments and to your way's

until you come again in final victory.

O Lord God my Savior,

you are my strength and my stronghold in times of danger,

in times of anguish and despair.

I will forever put my faith and trust in you.
